* What's it all about *

WELCOME to my attempt at archiving and sharing recipes.
People are always asking for my recipes....I do not claim to be a great cook, but I really do enjoy cooking. I have a huge collection of cookbooks and I love to try new recipes.

I finally decided to put my recipes where they could be accessed, so I hope you enjoy them and that you will find this blog useful. This is just a small sampling of the wonderful recipes I love and use often. You may see that there are some dishes that have more than one recipe (i.e. chicken enchiladas), that is just because I have found that I like both recipes and will just make whichever one sounds best to me at the time.

Check back often for new recipes!

You can search by category, or ingredient which I think will make it easy, but let me know if you have any suggestions.

I must mention that baking is really my favorite (hence the name of this blog) and a lot of recipes call for baking mixes, pudding mixes, cool whip, etc. which I just try not to use (just read the ingredient list and hopefully it will also scare you). If a recipe calls for one of these, I will link you to my alternative. I hope you will see that it is just not that hard or time-consuming to whip up your own cake, brownies, pudding, etc.

And please leave feedback so others know what they are in for :-)!

Now get cooking!


Sasha Fisher said...

Great idea Amber. I swear when you go back to work you should go into marketing. You are so full of good ideas.


Mom G said...

Aunt Barbara here - what an amazing thing! I have sent this on to my kids. Hope you get lots of responses. There ought to be a way to earn money from this!

Haylee said...

I am a huge fan of your blog! Megan introduced me to it a while back, and I have introduced my whole family to it too!! Keep up the good work!